
19 February 2013

Homemade Frozen Greek Yogurt Fudgesicles

Ok, so I saw a picture of some yummy looking chocolate frozen yogurt on Pinterest. It gave the ingredients but not the instructions. You can see the picture on my Pinterest page here. I was unable to find the owner of the picture/recipe through a search on the Internet, but it is attributed to this tumblr page. I tried to find it there, but couldn't.

Since I had everything on hand I decided to give it a try. Here's what I did:

1 cup almond milk (I used chocolate)
3/4 cup plain greek yogurt (I used actual greek yogurt, not the fake kind)
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
2-4 tsp sweetener (I used sugar)
1 tsp vanilla
pinch of salt

I just whipped them altogether and put it in the freezer, but I bet it should go in the ice cream maker. I would start with 2 tsp of sugar and then taste it to see if it is sweet enough for you. You can add more if you need to. Now I wait. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: As far as just sticking this in the freezer, don't. My ice cream maker is huge and I didn't want to use it for this small amount of stuff. However, I did freeze some of it in Popsicle molds. They are much like a fudgesicle. They taste pretty good too!

This is about a 2 oz fudgesicle and it has about 38 calories in it, if my math is right. This recipe will make about 8 of this size.

The downside is that they are a little difficult to unmold  from this particular mold, don't know if it is the size or the material or what. I just ran it under hot water and it popped right out.

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