
06 April 2010

Sewing Machine Mat Organizer Tutorial

Brand new to my Etsy shop is the handy dandy sewing machine mat with organizer pockets, pin cushion and removable thread catcher. Well, actually it is just the tutorial for making it. I am keeping the one I made, 'cuz I've been wanting one for some time and finally took the plunge. So happy!

You can read all about it here. This one is made from the Marabella collection by Amy Hamberlin for Henry Glass and it is also available at my shop.


  1. I still can add a little needle with floss. I may have to outline the "SEW" with a darker perle cotton so it stands out a little better. click here

  2. Thanks for sharing, as helpful to me. Love it!more

  3. Look beautiful. Thks for tutorial. my blog
