
15 March 2010

How I Spent My Whole Morning Or My New Shop Banner

A graphic artist I am not. I certainly wish I knew a little bit more about it, at least enough to do the basics without spending my entire morning making a simple shop banner. Alas, I do not, but I wanted to have a better shop banner so I made my cup of French Vanilla Cappuccino and sat down to work.

Two cups and about 3 hours later I came up with a wonderful wonderful shop banner, but I'm sure that is an opinion I alone have. I was thrilled with my job. And then after looking at it I decided it needed some tweaking and then more tweaking. And then I decided to start over. Well to make a long story short I left good enough alone and uploaded my new shop banner to my Etsy shop today.

I have a free graphic program I downloaded from the Internet called Gimp. And I used the tutorials of some very helpful people that I also found on the Internet. I wonder if there is a Gimp For Dummies, that would be nice.

Please take a look, I actually am pretty happy. I will be learning more about graphic design as time allows, it is fun. I would love any feedback you care to give, good or bad.

Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. very cute banner! I love doing things myself (especially when they turn out good)!
