
28 January 2010

Valentine Necklace...a tutorial

St.Valentine's Day is right around the corner, but there is still time to make these sweet little necklaces.

What you need are a variety of trims, some ribbon, and some fabric and felt.

Decide on your design. We made 2 to show you here. We chose to make hearts from felt for the pendant part and added a fabric cutout to it. You can adhere your fabric to the felt using a heat 'n bond type product.

We used a grosgrain ribbon "chain". You can finish the ends of the ribbon with fray check or you can heat set it with a lighter. To do this you have to very quickly run the end of the ribbon through the flame to seal it. (Be careful).

We added some little charms to the chain. We made these the same way as the pendant.

I will give you instructions based on the red necklace, but the procedure is the same. Start by deciding on a length of the chain and cut your ribbon about 1" longer.

Cut 2 hearts of felt for the pendant and 1 fabric heart somewhat smaller.  Cut 6 small felt circles for the charms and clasp and 3 fabric pieces for the charm and clasp centers. Pink the edges of the 2 felt hearts.

Find the center of the ribbon and glue to 1 felt heart. Cut a small piece of grosgrain and glue to same felt heart so that it hangs down the bottom of the heart. Glue this piece of ribbon on top of 2 small felt circles.

Glue charm centers to the other 2 felt circles, then glue these to top of the other 2 circles having the ribbon in between them.

We added a small ribbon bow and a tiny little button to the fabric heart. Sew these on. Center fabric heart to the other felt heart and put these on top of the felt heart with the ribbon chain, having ribbon chain between them. Use embroidery thread to attach these hearts using a running straight stitch.

To make a "clasp" fold one end over forming a loop and glue or stitch it to the length. This opening only needs to be as big as the felt circles, or perhaps a tad smaller. Glue felt circle combination to the other end of the ribbon following the same procedure as the charms.

And that's it.