
26 October 2009

My Birthday

We celebrated my birthday this past weekend. My birthday was actually Friday, but we had a party yesterday. On Friday I did go out to lunch at Casa Gallardo, a fabulous Mexican restaurant, where I ate entirely too many enchiladas. Yummy! And that sweet Mexican die for!! I love that stuff so much that I came home and looked up a copycat recipe for it. I found 2 that I am going to try. I'll post those later if they come out good. After lunch I went to see the new movie "Amelia". It was entertaining I guess. I think Hillary Swank is a superb actress, I guess it is Amelia herself that I don't really care for. I enjoyed it though.

On Sunday we had a small party with cake and ice cream. We had some chips and dip too. Almost everyone who could be there was there. I really missed my oldest daughter, Shelley and her 2 children, not being there. They live just a little too far away and her daughter, Patience, had 2 soccer games to play. My other 2 daughters, Crystal and Emily, made me a 3 tier birthday cake, it was a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. The candles spelled out "Happy Birthday". I loved it, they did a fantastic job. We also had Butter Pecan ice cream and Mint 'n Chip ice cream. I actually had some of both, :)

Crystal and Emily also decorated my house for Halloween. I have pumpkins and ghosts and scary monsters all over the place now. I bought a pumpkin to carve a couple days ago, we will probably carve that tonight.

My little grandson, Ty, is sick. He has been sick for 1 week now. He has been to the ER twice with it. It is a GI virus that is improving but he has such pain with it. He has missed school all week last week and probably won't go in today either. And to top it off, he was recovering from flu about 3 weeks ago and missed a whole week of school with that. I hope that don't try to hold him back because of these absences. But the doctor told him to stay home in both cases. We'll see. I just want him to get better. It is so scary when young kids are sick. :(

1 comment:

  1. happy birthday my fren :)) looks like you had a wonderful cake and icecream day!! hope little ty is better now ... you are right, it is scary when kids get ill ... but they heal faster than adults :))
