
11 May 2009

And the Winner is....

We have a winner to my 1st ever giveaway!!

I know I was supposed to announce the winner last night, but....My husband decided to do some much needed yard work and pulled (or attempted to pull) a large bush out and with his shovel he quickly severed my cable. So I had no internet until just a little while ago when the repair man came. Oh those husbands, gotta love 'em.

I was also unable to wish everyone a happy Mother's Day, so better late than never: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Anyway back to the news at hand. The winner of my giveaway, which includes a Moda charm pack and one of my folded fabric flowers is...

Patricia at Vintage Linen Treasures. Congratulations Patricia.

Thanks to everyone who visited, commented, and followed my blog. I appreciate it. I hope you continue to do so.

Here are a few of the squares in the charm pack that Patricia will receive. It is called Soiree by Lila Tueller for Moda. It is a beautiful collection. I also have these available at my Etsy shop.

And here is a picture of the brooch Patricia won. These are a new item I am developing and offering at my Etsy shop. I will offering these in various designs, sizes and colors, they will be made into brooches, refrigerator magnets, hairclips, headbands, and whatever else I come up with.


  1. Ooooh! Thank you so much! I feel so lucky to have won this. I just sent you my address via email. Let me know if you don't get it.

    Oh My gosh! Thanks so much. I can't wait to receive my goodies.
    Patricia :o)

  2. the brooch is so pretty! and the fabrics... gorgeous! :)
    btw... sending off the magnetic board today :)
